The Networking of Actors and Resources - OER in the NFDI and in the Data Competence Centers: a Workshop Report (Part 2)
Open Educational Resources (OER) to promote data literacy and Research Data Management (RDM) play a central role in the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and beyond. Many RDM projects and networks deal with the creation, collection, and sustainable provision of such materials as well as with questions of curation and linking. The FAIR principles can be applied to OER as well as to research data. On February 5 and 6, 2025, a workshop was held at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences with representatives of the DALIA, NFDI4Memory, NFDI4Culture, Text+, KonsortSWD, HERMES, QUADRIGA, KODAQs, SODa and WiNoDa projects.