Successful Launch of the DALIA Search Platform
The DALIA Team
We are pleased to announce the successful launch of the DALIA platform. The fair search platform for teaching materials on data literacy is now live! This first of three planned milestones enables access to over 300 RDM open educational resources (OER). The Data Literacy Alliance is intended to serve as a central access point under the paradigm ‘data literacy for all, right from the start’. Therefore, it aims to provide suitable metadata for different career levels, from bachelor student to data steward, and different disciplines and roles, in order to precisely find desired teaching materials.
The next milestone will introduce features for a semi-automatic curation process and will enable the user-friendly curation of metadata from existing resources in DALIA in the near future. This includes adding new resources as well as adding metadata to existing resources. From 2025, it is planned that providers of teaching and learning materials will be able to manage those independently via backend access to the portal. Until then, it will be possible to send us the metadata of materials as part of the Call for Metadata.
The specification and format of the metadata structure are regulated by the DALIA Interchange Format (DIF V1.3) which is available on Zenodo. The metadata of teaching and learning materials can be sent to and to in a CSV file in accordance with the DIF, along with questions and feedback on the process. Afterward, the metadata will be processed and imported into the DALIA portal and making it available for the platform users.
Interesting news and current project results are published via the project newsletter, the social media channels Bluesky and Mastodon and via the news category on the project website Further information on the DALIA project and contact details can be found on the project webseite. DALIA will go through various prototype development stages until October 2025 and will then continue to be operated by TIB Hannover Ideas and feedback are always welcome for example via the contact form on